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Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Salt & Vinegar Chickpeas........

I love salt and vinegar crisps. I mean REALLY love them. As in left unattended I could eat bag after bag of them…. So, in an effort to keep showing my body some love with what I put into it, I’ve decided to break up with that naughty habit and instead indulge in a protein packed bowl of salt and vinegar chick peas.

Tangy, savory, crunchy, healthy—win.

While these are a bit more labour intensive than popping open a plastic bag, I promise they’re just as satisfying (plus, no plastic packaging involved—double win).

Salt & Vinegar Chickpeas (makes 1 bowl)

·        1 can rinsed and drained chickpeas

·        2 cups white vinegar

·        sea salt

·        3 tbsp olive oil

 How To –

·        Put chickpeas, vinegar and a dash of salt into a pot and bring to a boil.

·        Remove immediately, once it starts boiling, and let the chickpeas soak for 40 minutes in the warm vinegar.

·        Preheat oven to 400°F.

·        After 40 minutes, drain chickpeas of excess vinegar (save the extra fluid for your next batch, because I promise you’ll be making more).

·        Place chickpeas on oven safe baking tray. Coat with 3 tablespoons olive oil and more salt (to taste).

·        Bake in oven for 35-40 minutes, checking every 10 minutes to stir them around and make sure they’re turning golden brown (not black).

·        Remove once they’re nice and toasted, and let sit for 10 minutes before munching. They should be crunchy on the outside and a bit soft on the inside. Pour into a big bowl and enjoy!

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