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Friday, 6 May 2016

Pizza, detox's and Friday night in with the cat.................

So you may already be aware that this week I am on a detox. In true Kate style I was that excited to get on with it and reap the benefits I didn’t think that during my 7 day detox my monthly visit from the PMT monster was due. Ooops! Detox’s can be challenging enough without having an unwelcome extra, but not one to be defeated I decided that there was nothing else for it except to rise to the challenge…… how could I make PMT comfort food vegan, gluten free and detox friendly? Good job I love a challenge and a challenge this was. Inspiration struck as I went through the cupboards and spotted a bag of sweet potatoes. I had heard of a sweet potato crust pizza and this seemed a perfect opportunity to make it plus I had some homemade veggie sauce in the fridge that would be perfect for the base. Winning!  I have to say that this trumps the crazy popular cauliflower pizza base.  It holds together beautifully and, though sweet in taste, carries the more robust flavours of the seasoning better. It’s quick, simple and incredibly delicious. Top with whatever you choose; I did the basic olives, onion, garlic, mushrooms and tomato.  This base will handle quite a substantial topping so feel free to add as much as you like of whatever you fancy / have in. So with the pizza in the oven, my pj's on, the cat curled up next to me and icy infused lemon water in a wine glass it is a very happy Friyay!

Sweet Potato Crust Pizza (serves 1)

·        120g mashed sweet potato

·        120g ground almonds

·        1 tsp baking soda

·        1 tsp  dried herbs – (basil, oregano, thyme etc)

·        Pinch salt

·        Pizza sauce or tomato paste for topping ( I used the left overs of a home made one)

·        Any assorted pizza toppings of your choice.


How To -

·        Pre-heat your oven and a baking tray to 220 degrees.

·        Peel, dice and cook the sweet potato until it’s soft enough to mash.

·        In a largish bowl, mix all the ingredients.  It will look like orange, sticky dough.

·        Carefully remove the hot baking tray from the oven (I’ve found that pre-heating the tray makes for a crispier base) and line with baking paper.

·        Spread the mix into a circle to the thickness you like (obviously the thinner it is, the crispier it will be)

·        Bake for about 20 mins or until the edges start to brown.

·        Remove and top with your chosen toppings.

·        Put back in the oven or under a grill until the toppings are all golden and melty. Enjoy!



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